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Support to build on Celo

From hackathons to grants and events, Celo is actively fostering innovation and growth within the Latin American tech ecosystem.‍

Support to build on Celo

Celo is a protocol with a vocational approach to Regenerative Finance has been making waves in Latin America by offering numerous opportunities for developers and startups. From hackathons to grants and events, Celo is actively fostering innovation and growth within the Latin American tech ecosystem.

Having announced in July 2023 the decision to become an L2 on Ethereum, followed by extensive due diligence on options to proceed with the transition, Celo and cLabs recently proposed moving forward with Optimism Tech Stack.

We’re talking about a super important meeting here: ReFi, Real World Assets + Rollups + Ethereum.

Considering that these last movements brought a lot of attention to Celo, we decided to put together some of the opportunities for the builders who want to build on Celo. And pursuing our commitment to the development and growth of the Web3 ecosystem in Latin America, we couldn’t let it pass. 

Celo RetroPGF

One of the notable events on the horizon is the Celo Retro PG, with applications open until May 8th(Today). Retroactive Payment for Public Goods is a method of supporting projects that positively impacted Celo in the past without being properly paid for them at the time. This is the first one organized by Celo.

This RetroPGF offers a substantial prize pool of $250,000 for projects falling into three distinct categories:

1. ReFi (Regenerative Finance): Projects actively deployed on Celo that promote real-world impact and ecological benefits.

2. dApps and Infrastructure: Developments directly impacting Celo users and stakeholders, fostering a vibrant ecosystem.

3. Celo Community and Adoption: Initiatives outside traditional software development, such as educational resources and community growth efforts, aim to propel Celo forward.

Applications for the Retro PGF will be reviewed by Celo Public Goods Stewards and category experts. The results will be announced during Celo Gather in Berlin on May 24th. You can find more info here.


For individual developers or small teams (either starting their journey or already deployed on Celo), Prezenti accepts rolling fund, providing financial support ranging from $2,000 to $10,000, and $25,000. All the applications must include the communication strategy of the proposal.

There are $48,000 to the pool of $2,000, and the applications will be accepted on a rolling base until the funds are over. This pool is accepting applications on the following conditions: 

  1. True bootstrapping for projects at the start of their journey. 
  2. Can be a small company or an individual applying. 
  3. Can nominate someone who has contributed greatly to the Celo ecosystem, unpaid. 
  4. Retroactive funding by request or discretion to support individuals going above and beyond in the ecosystem. Some examples might be:
  • Community management
  • Open-source code contributors
  • Governance management
  • Educational content 

Apply here!

For the $10,000 pool, there are $150,000 that will be spread among applications following the criteria below: 

  1. VC-funded, private, and for-profit companies are not eligible.
  2. Delivery of the project must include socializing and communicating your work.
  3. Applicants will be expected to deliver to at least testnet (if technical) Projects must open-source the code. 
  4. The applicant can point to previous projects or pieces of work that demonstrate their ability 
  5. Priority will be given to public goods style projects over commercial enterprises (although the latter is not disqualifying if it meets the application criteria). 
  6. No multiple applications for the same project/concept.

Apply here!

Finally, for the $25,000 grants, there is another $150,000 pool that will fund projects already deployed on Celo, with high priority for public goods.

Apply here!

Celo Camp

In addition to these opportunities, Celo Camp (applications open until May 13th) presents another avenue for startups to secure funding. With a focus on companies operating in sectors like banking, payments, financial inclusion, and blockchain, Celo Camp offers a $10,000 prize to winning applicants. 

Startups at various stages, from prototype to revenue-generating, are encouraged to apply, regardless of their funding status.

Important to highlight that you will increase your chances of winning by including MiniPay in your plans (it can be integration, adoption, etc).

Flori Ventures

Last but not least, Flori, a venture capital firm, is actively investing in seed-stage startups working towards building the future financial system and addressing climate challenges. Their rolling base pitch invites entrepreneurs to present their innovative solutions for potential investment. 

And if you’re up to a challenge, Celo already announced a new hackathon focused on e-commerce.

It's evident that Celo is not only providing a platform for developers and startups to build upon but also actively supporting their growth and success. 

With its emphasis on real-world impact, sustainability, and community building, Celo is shaping up to be a key player in driving innovation and positive change, particularly in Latin America. 

Developers and startups in the region should seize these opportunities to leverage Celo's ecosystem and contribute to its mission of regenerative finance.

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