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Reaching New Heights by Evolving into a Venture Studio

From a three pillars strategy to a venture studio

Reaching New Heights by Evolving into a Venture Studio

In a world where innovation and collaboration are essential for the growth of emerging ecosystems, CeLatam evolves in its path to play a role in transforming the crypto industry in Latin America. Our commitment to the region was recently demonstrated in two key events held in Buenos Aires, which not only strengthened our internal bonds but also opened new opportunities for the development of startups and the consolidation of strategic alliances.

Results of the CeLatam Buenos Aires Gathering 2024

From August 22 to 25, the CeLatam team gathered in Buenos Aires for the "CeLatam Buenos Aires Gathering 2024". This event marked an important milestone for us, as it was the first time most team members could meet in person for our First Off Site aimed at (i) evaluating steps taken so far towards the DAO evolution to a Venture Studio and (ii) strategizing next steps.

Although Susanne Zarpellon could not be physically present, her virtual participation throughout the sessions ensured that her valuable perspective was included in every discussion.

The off-site was held within the framework of Aleph, the popup city of Crecimiento, an innovative movement born to transform Argentina's crypto ecosystem and promote the growth of startups and developers in the country. Aleph not only provided the perfect environment for our strategic sessions but also allowed us to interact with key figures in the regional ecosystem. This vibrant and energetic setting facilitated the establishment of new alliances that will strengthen our long-term mission and allow for greater integration into the Latin American crypto ecosystem.

During this gathering, we mainly focused on evaluating the steps taken so far that served as foundations for the evolution towards becoming a Venture Studio and outlining CeLatam’s strategic plan for the next 12 months. Over the past year, we concentrated our efforts on two of the three key areas we initially defined: Marketing & Research and Partnerships & Activations as a means to experience opportunities, gather knowledge, and build foundations. We assessed our progress and decided that the time was right to evolve into aVenture Studio. From the three pillars strategy, to a single arrow strategy.

We firmly believe that this step will enable us to more effectively support the development of startups utilizing Celo technology in the region, thereby enhancing innovation and economic growth in Latin America.

Furthermore, as a result of this meeting, we redefined our value proposition to better reflect our vision and mission. The word "belonging", or pertenencia, emerged as the core of our identity, emphasizing the importance of fostering a sense of belonging in the region's entrepreneurs. We believe that belonging can be understood as a deep identification with the unique natural, cultural, and intellectual capital of Latin America, and is the starting and ending point for all our actions. Belonging is also crucial to solving some of Latin America’s challenges that are dear to us.

To realize this vision, we reorganized our team to ensure that each member is in a position where they can add the most value. Marcelo Silva took on the role of "The Thinker", focusing on Superchain research and business opportunities. Susanne Zarpellon, our "Smooth Operator", will be responsible for managing partnerships, projects, and events, as well as community reporting. Gabriel Ribenboim, as "Venture Wizard", will focus on attracting crucial funding sources and opportunities for project development and growth, aligned with our blended finance strategy. Camila Rioja, Celo OG, CeLatam CoFounder and former Lead, moved to an advisor position as "The Halo", and will work on advising our growth strategy while keeping it true to Celo Community Mission. Finally, I, Cristóbal Pereira, emerged as "The Maker," who will lead CeLatam in this new phase, guiding our team toward the objectives we have set.

Community Event in Buenos Aires: Connecting with the Ecosystem

On August 24, at the Buenos Aires Polo Club, we hosted a community event that brought together 20 key leaders of the crypto ecosystem, both locally and regionally. This event was conceived not only as an opportunity to share our achievements in the path that brought us here but also to unveil our next steps as a Venture Studio that will establish strategic connections and land opportunities to drive the growth of CeLatam and the ecosystem as a whole.

During the event, we had the opportunity to present in-depth our value proposition "Foster regenerative ventures promoting belonging". We explained how CeLatam firmly believes that economic evolution towards a more resilient model is rooted in a sense of belonging. This sense of belonging refers not only to a geographical connection but also to an identification with the diverse and unique natural, cultural, and intellectual capital of Latin America. It is this connection that guides our actions and motivates entrepreneurs to build something meaningful in and for their region.

In addition to sharing our vision, we also addressed our medium and long-term goals. Our primary focus now is to act as an articulator of various funding sources, both public and private, and to connect these funding sources from the web2 and web3 worlds to supporting projects in Latin America. We presented our plan to implement blended finance models that could drive projects in critical areas such as bio-economy, microcredits, and impact management, among others. This approach not only aims to facilitate the creation of innovative startups but also to promote sustainable economic development in the region.

At the end of the event, we told the attendees we were looking for three essential things: feedback, partnership, and future funding. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with important communities, organizations, and companies showing their support and willingness to collaborate. This backing not only reaffirms that we are on the right path but also motivates us to move forward with greater determination.

New Challenges and Strategies for CeLatam

Looking ahead, the next 12 months will present significant challenges for CeLatam, but also immense opportunities. We have set ambitious goals: to generate more than 500,000 USD worth of transactions on the Celo blockchain and to support the birth and growth of at least eight startups in Latin America. To achieve these objectives, we have developed a series of strategies that will be key to our success.

Additionally, we are committed to working closely with the more than 50 projects that are already part of our community. We want to deeply understand their current needs and provide them with the resources and support they need to thrive. This will include creating learning spaces where community members can obtain certifications, access benefits, and actively participate in CeLatam’s operations in the region.

Connecting with the community will be a fundamental pillar of our strategy. Constant interaction with builders, developers, and investors will be essential to stay aligned with the ecosystem's needs and to ensure that CeLatam remains a relevant and leading player in promoting innovation in Latin America.


CeLatam is at an exciting inflection point. With a committed team and a clear vision, we are ready to face the challenges and seize the opportunities ahead. Our mission is clear: to strengthen the crypto community in Latin America and support the development of startups that drive innovation and sustainable growth in the region.

We invite all crypto community members, from entrepreneurs to investors, to join us on this journey. Together, we can build a more resilient, inclusive, and prosperous future for Latin America. The road ahead is challenging, but with everyone’s support and collaboration, we are confident we can make a lasting and meaningful impact.

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