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Open Call to NFT Artists in LatAm

Get your artwork featured in a unique collection honoring Celo Incuba alumni!

Open Call to NFT Artists in LatAm

The 3rd cohort of Celo Incuba has recently ended, and we are thrilled to celebrate the brilliant builders who have participated in our incubator program since its inception. With their resilience, talent, bold vision, and unwavering motivation, these builders continue to create value for Latin America and beyond despite market ups and downs.

To honor their efforts, CeLatam and Celo Incuba are promoting a special NFT collection designed to recognize and reward the engagement and dedication of our incubator's alumni from the first three cohorts.

Calling All NFT Artists in LatAm!

We are excited to announce an open call for NFT artists across Latin America. This is a fantastic opportunity for digital creators to have their work recognized and showcased on a global platform. We are seeking innovative, boundary-pushing artists utilizing NFTs and blockchain technology to redefine the art world. Whether you’re a seasoned digital artist or just beginning your journey in the NFT space, we encourage you to apply.

Why Apply?

  • Get your artwork featured in a unique collection honoring Celo Incuba alumni. Showcase your talents to a vibrant, global community of creators and collectors.
  • Receive 500 cUSD to create the art for this exclusive collection.

Application Details:

  • Application Deadline: Submit your application by July 5th.
  • Winner: The selected artist (one) will be announced on July 5th.
  • How to Apply: Complete the application form here (to be created).

Concept: The artwork for this exclusive NFT collection should embody the spirit and mission of CeLatam and Celo Incuba. We are looking for pieces that capture the journey of transforming grassroots innovation into global impact. The art should reflect Latin America's vibrant energy and creativity, showcasing how local solutions and bold visions can drive sustainable development and create opportunities for growth and inclusion. Through your art, we want to celebrate the resilience, talent, and collaborative spirit of our builders, inspiring a future where technology and creativity unite to build a better world for everyone.

Join us in celebrating the incredible talent and innovation emerging from Latin America. This is your chance to be part of a groundbreaking project that honors the past while inspiring the future. We can’t wait to see your unique creations! Apply now!

Terms and Conditions

Ownership and Intellectual Property

No specific intellectual property rights should arise from this open call, meaning: there will be no additional compensation to any other artist or to the winner besides the grant determined by the rules. By participating, artists grant CeLatam a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, and distribute the selected artwork for the purpose of creating the NFT collection for Celo Incuba Alumni.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

Confidentiality and Data Protection are fundamental principles governing all activities funded by CeLatam. We are dedicated to ensuring that every interaction within these endeavors complies rigorously with applicable data protection laws and CeLatam's internal privacy policies. This includes the meticulous handling of any personal information gathered during the course of activities. CeLatam is committed to preserving the confidentiality of such information and utilizing it exclusively for the stated purposes. Stringent measures will be implemented to safeguard against unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse of personal data. Artists participating in this open call are expected to adhere unwaveringly to these principles, fostering an environment of trust, integrity, and respect in their practices.

Identification and Liability

Artists bear full responsibility for the outcomes of their proposals and projects, including any consequences arising from the use or dissemination of their artwork. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Ensuring the artwork's accuracy, originality, and ethical conduct.
  • Complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and institutional policies.
  • Addressing any claims of intellectual property infringement, defamation, privacy violation, or other legal issues arising from the artwork.
  • Resolving disputes or conflicts that may arise among project collaborators, participants, or other stakeholders.

Content Restrictions

CeLatam does not provide funding or support for certain types of content or activities. These exclusions ensure that our support aligns efficiently and effectively with CeLatam's strategic priorities:

  • Religious or Political Activities: Funding is not provided for projects with a primary focus on religious activities, political campaigns, or lobbying efforts.
  • Retrospective Funding: CeLatam does not typically fund projects that have already been completed or activities that have already incurred expenses prior to the funding application.
  • Harmful or Unethical Activities: Funding will not be provided for activities that pose significant risks to human subjects, animals, or the environment, or that violate ethical standards or regulatory requirements.
  • Non-Compliance with Laws: CeLatam does not fund projects that violate applicable laws, regulations, or ethical guidelines, including those related to data protection, intellectual property rights, and research integrity.

Additional Provisions

  • Originality: Artists must ensure that all submitted work is original and created by them. Plagiarism or the use of unauthorized content is strictly prohibited.

For any further questions or additional support, please contact talk@celatam.org. We’re excited to see your unique creations and how they honor the resilience and innovation of our Celo Incuba alumni!

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