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CeLatam Meet-Up Grants

CeLatam is excited to announce the launch of our Meet-Up Grants Program

CeLatam Meet-Up Grants

CeLatam is excited to announce the launch of our Meet-Up Grants Program, designed to empower and expand the Celo community throughout Latin America. We are offering six (06) grants of 500 cUSD each to enthusiastic groups looking to host their web3-themed events on the occasion of the events listed below. Our goal is to support the organization of physical, inclusive, and diverse gatherings that are free of charge for attendees.

These meet-ups should focus on fostering knowledge, collaboration, and growth in the Celo Network and the Web3 space, and be centered around educational and innovative aspects of blockchain technology, excluding trading-focused topics.

Selected grantees are required to provide a post-event report, including event photos, videos, and a report of the activities conducted. Promotional materials and efforts should align with CeLatam’s branding guidelines to ensure consistent brand visibility.

Grant details:

  • 06 grants of 500 cUSD each to be disbursed to one side event per conference;
  • Open to Web3 communities across Latin America;
  • Applicants must be willing to organize a physical event during the period of the conferences listed below, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and being free of charge for participants;
  • Applications closed in Jul 31, 2024 through this form;
  • CeLatam must be added as a co-organizer on the event registration page.

The Meet Up Grants will support side events organized in conjunction with the following conferences in 2024 (one meet-up per conference):

Peru Blockchain Conference: June 7th and 8th 

ETH Chile: June 27th and 28th

Blockchain Rio Festival: July 24th to 26th

Blockchain Summit Latam: Colombia, August 14th to 16th

ETH Mexico: Mérida, September 13th and 14th

LaBitconf: Argentina, November 1st and 2nd

Expected Deliverables:

  • CeLatam’s branding applied accordingly to the event visuals.
  • Event promotion, including links to related social media posts (tagging @CeLatamOrg) and their results in terms of reach and engagement.
  • Photos and videos from the event.
  • Information about the speakers and number of participants.

Grantees must submit the required information on deliverables through this form.

Why you should apply?

This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the vibrant Celo ecosystem and connect with like-minded individuals. Join us in driving forward the future of Web3 in Latin America. Apply now to bring a CeLatam-supported meet-up to your community!

General Terms and Conditions

Ownership and Public Access

In alignment with our commitment to fostering open access and the dissemination of knowledge, we emphasize that intellectual property resulting from this call for proposals should be treated with the intention of promoting unrestricted access to the outcomes. Grantees will retain intellectual property rights, with the expectation that they will make their findings openly accessible to the public, either through publication in open-access journals, deposition in publicly accessible repositories, or other means consistent with the principles of open knowledge. This approach ensures that the benefits of the supported events are widely available to the broader community, facilitating collaboration, innovation, and societal impact.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

Confidentiality and Data Protection are fundamental principles governing all activities funded by CeLatam. We are dedicated to ensuring that every interaction within these endeavors complies rigorously with applicable data protection laws and CeLatam's internal privacy policies. This includes the meticulous handling of any personal information gathered during the course of activities, such as participant data or sensitive findings. CeLatam is committed to preserving the confidentiality of such information and utilizing it exclusively for the stated research purposes. Stringent measures will be implemented to safeguard against unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse of personal data. Grantees receiving funding from CeLatam are expected to adhere unwaveringly to these principles, fostering an environment of trust, integrity, and respect in their practices.

Indemnification and Liability

Grantees bear full responsibility for the outcomes of their proposals and projects, including any consequences arising from the use or dissemination of their findings. This includes but is not limited to:

i) Ensuring the event's accuracy, validity, and ethical conduct.

ii) Complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and institutional policies.

iii) Addressing any claims of intellectual property infringement, defamation, privacy violation, or other legal issues arising from the event.

iv) Resolving disputes or conflicts that may arise among project collaborators, participants, or other stakeholders.

What we don't fund

CeLatam does not provide funding for certain activities or expenses that fall outside the scope of its mission and objectives. These exclusions are intended to ensure that funding is allocated efficiently and effectively to projects that align with CeLatam's strategic priorities. 

i) Religious or Political Activities: Funding is not provided for projects with a primary focus on religious activities, political campaigns, or lobbying efforts.

ii) Retrospective Funding: CeLatam does not typically fund projects that have already been completed or activities that have already incurred expenses prior to the funding application.

iii) Harmful or Unethical Activities: Funding will not be provided for activities that pose significant risks to human subjects, animals, or the environment, or that violate ethical standards or regulatory requirements.

iv) Non-Compliance with Laws: CeLatam does not fund projects that violate applicable laws, regulations, or ethical guidelines, including those related to data protection, intellectual property rights, and research integrity.

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